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What does your freedom to achieve look like for you? Are you harnessing your unique capacity and capability to live your life in meaning and joy today? if not, a dialogue and collaboration with an experienced coaching psychologist will help. Speak with your English speaking psychologist in Sweden online or in person. It’s up to you!


Using a therapeutic coaching process based on a collaborative and action-oriented relationship we commit to enhancing your personal growth and lifelong wellbeing. I take a flexible, integrated client-centred approach using primarily developmental coaching, rational emotive behavioural therapeutic coaching and ACTC (acceptance and commitment therapeutic coaching). These I find are a particularly useful and effective combination for the majority of my clients.

In dreams begin responsibilities.

W.B. Yeats

As you reflect on, understand and implement new thoughts and behaviours you begin to feel less attached to or trapped by past experiences. Becoming more emotionally agile, you move towards living within your unique values and vision for your future self.

I support you without judgement in moving towards who and where you want to be in your life. Hope and self-care are central tenets to the work we commit to together. I believe in your inherent ability to create your present and future dreams beyond the troubles of the past.

Welcome to your wellbeing journey!

What types of therapeutic coaching options are there?

A variety of therapeutic coaching options are available. These options include personal transformative coaching and resilience coaching. All options are accessible from anywhere in Sweden using a safe, confidential virtual ‘room’ online. Check out more options here.

Email me at if you have any further questions. I look forward to working with you.